After a long, cold, hard winter, Summer has officially hit Cape Cod. The dogs are waking me up even earlier than during the school year so they can greet the sun on the beach - before it gets crowded with sunbathers and (oh yeah) the summertime "No Dogs" rules kick in. Similar to the characters in my books, I tend to thumb my nose at that rule, as long as we're off the beach before anyone else shows up. (Unlike my character Shea, I've never had a run-in with a police officer about it!)
Two of my kids celebrated the last day of school at the new Frozen Yogurt place on Main Street - make your own FroYo sundaes for 59 cents per pound. They swirled flavors and added toppings... Yum! My wallet is a little afraid they will want to visit every day all summer long!
My oldest child graduated from high school this year, and if you haven't seen my posts on Facebook, he's already off to college. Not just any college, but the U.S. Air Force Academy, joining the long, blue line as part of the Class of 2018, the 60th class to enter the Academy. A great achievement, a huge milestone, and I'm still adjusting to his absence.
He won't be home again until Christmas, but we will get to visit for Parents Weekend at the end of the summer. Until then, we rely on photos posted to the parent portal the Academy sets up to assuage parental anxiety.
When we see him next, he will have completed Basic Training and have already started classes. And will be required to wear a uniform at all times. Good luck to all these young men and women who have chosen this much more challenging college experience! Go Air Force!