Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Viva la Mexico!
My husband and I are in Mexico all this week, leaving his sister to care for our kids, both human and canine. I'm catching up on my reading and reviewing (although I think there's only one that's actually promised) and he's kind of here on business. I say "kind of" because there is still Pacific Ocean and lots of margaritas involved, so it's not like he's sitting in a trade show booth or stuck in a cubicle.
But I'm still thinking about mermaids... and seeking them out in Mexican gift shops....
Despite being several times zones away and in a whole different country, TOMORROW IS MY BIG COVER REVEAL DAY for BLOOD OF A MERMAID from Crescent Moon Press. Sorry to "yell" but I'm pretty excited about the new book ~ especially the beautiful new cover by Jeannie Ruesch! I've got a dozen or so other authors lined up to help me show it off - hopefully it'll be all over the place very shortly!
So yeah, come back tomorrow and check it out.
Monday, April 28, 2014
LRT Blog Tours: OMNI, by Andrea Murray - #Review and #Giveaway
OMNI, by Andrea Murray
Published November 2013
About the Book (from Goodreads):
Oh. My. God. I really, really enjoyed this book. The sizzling blush of romance, the intricate world building, and the sardonic voice of our hero's POV combine to make a truly enjoyable read.
This is a dystopian future YA romance, similar in feel to Divergent but with a much more functional - if still totalitarian and brutal - society. Think Rebel without a Cause crossed with Brave New World.
The boy from the wrong stratum falls for the girl from the upper echelon of society whom he has no business even talking to, let alone falling in love with. When he saves her from harm, he gets skyrocketed into the limelight, and has to deal with the many levels and layers of fallout, and decide if love is worth the risks involved.
The book starts fast without a lot of backstory or world building, and I found the first chapter slow to get through as the author sets a stage with a lot of terms and information but without the full backdrop. Not an info dump, per se, but rather a full immersion into the world of OMNI.
Plunged into this dystopian society from the perspective of a boy at the lowest rung of the ladder, we see the gritty nuts and bolts of a rigid and regimented world. But then in later chapters, we see the same world from the perspective of upper strata...which are just as regimented in thought and action, and no where near as "free" as they appear from afar.
It's a political thriller without the obvious politics. It's also a poke in the eye to our current 24/7 news cycle fixation on all the wrong aspects of what's "going on" in the world, while leaving the public woefully uninformed about all the really important machinations of government and business.
My only problem with this story was that it ends too soon, leaving many threads dangling in midair. I'm not sure how many books are planned in this series, but you can bet that I'll be on the lookout for the next one to see what happens, and to find out if Pierce and Harmony ever get their Happily Ever After. Even dystopian heroes deserve to get the girl once in a while.
If you enjoy dystopian YA with a cynical point of view, definitely check out OMNI by Andrea Murray. You can buy it on Amazon for $2.99 HERE.
Published November 2013
About the Book (from Goodreads):
Pierce only wants a shot, a real shot, and not just the excuses he's been handed his whole life. Harmony wants to escape her future, the future she fears will be chosen for her. After their chance meeting, they might get exactly what they want.MY TAKE:
Since taking over the US government years earlier, the Omni party has created a perfect existence. From consorts to job assignments, every choice, every facet of life is under their control. Each citizen has a specific role in one of the four strata. Seventeen-year-old Pierce is a Drudge, the lowest social stratum in society. For over two years, he’s hoped—prayed—that his upcoming aptitude test will finally free him from his virtual slavery and give him a chance at a better existence. When he rescues Harmony, an Artist and member of the most successful stratum, at a publicity event for her latest movie, his life takes an unbelievable twist. With his gallant act and good looks, he becomes a media sensation. Every stratum in society seeks his membership for their publicity, but as he becomes closer to Harmony, Pierce realizes what fame in the all-seeing eye of Omni is truly like. His choices will not only affect him but Harmony as well. The life Pierce thought he wanted may not be worth the cost to either of them.
In this retelling of the classic story of Paris and Helen, love must struggle against an ultramodern, ultra-controlling society. They will risk everything, even challenging the all-seeing eye of the Omni government. But will the prize be worth the cost?
Oh. My. God. I really, really enjoyed this book. The sizzling blush of romance, the intricate world building, and the sardonic voice of our hero's POV combine to make a truly enjoyable read.
This is a dystopian future YA romance, similar in feel to Divergent but with a much more functional - if still totalitarian and brutal - society. Think Rebel without a Cause crossed with Brave New World.
The boy from the wrong stratum falls for the girl from the upper echelon of society whom he has no business even talking to, let alone falling in love with. When he saves her from harm, he gets skyrocketed into the limelight, and has to deal with the many levels and layers of fallout, and decide if love is worth the risks involved.
The book starts fast without a lot of backstory or world building, and I found the first chapter slow to get through as the author sets a stage with a lot of terms and information but without the full backdrop. Not an info dump, per se, but rather a full immersion into the world of OMNI.
Plunged into this dystopian society from the perspective of a boy at the lowest rung of the ladder, we see the gritty nuts and bolts of a rigid and regimented world. But then in later chapters, we see the same world from the perspective of upper strata...which are just as regimented in thought and action, and no where near as "free" as they appear from afar.
It's a political thriller without the obvious politics. It's also a poke in the eye to our current 24/7 news cycle fixation on all the wrong aspects of what's "going on" in the world, while leaving the public woefully uninformed about all the really important machinations of government and business.
My only problem with this story was that it ends too soon, leaving many threads dangling in midair. I'm not sure how many books are planned in this series, but you can bet that I'll be on the lookout for the next one to see what happens, and to find out if Pierce and Harmony ever get their Happily Ever After. Even dystopian heroes deserve to get the girl once in a while.
If you enjoy dystopian YA with a cynical point of view, definitely check out OMNI by Andrea Murray. You can buy it on Amazon for $2.99 HERE.
**I received a copy of this book from LRT tours in exchange for my honest review.
And I honestly loved this book.**
About the Author:
Andrea Murray has been
teaching English for longer than most of her students have been alive.
She has taught everything from junior high language arts to concurrent
credit freshman composition. She lives in a very small town in
Arkansas with her precocious daughter, energetic son, and race car-driving
husband. When she isn't writing or reading novels for her students,
she's probably watching reality television or cheesy science fiction
movies. In addition to the Vivid Trilogy, she has also written Omni,
her new YA dystopian romance. Visit her website at
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Friday, April 25, 2014
Cephalopod Coffehouse Blog Hop: THE SEER'S LOVER by Kat de Falla
Happy April, and welcome to the monthly meeting of the Cephalopod Book Club... the links to the rest of the stops are at the bottom of this post. This blog hop "meets" on the last Friday of each month to share books we've discovered and enjoyed.
Okay, so I've been reading and reviewing a lot in the last month or so, which you can interpret as procrastination if you must, but I prefer to think of it as "replenishing the well." I read mostly paranormal YA and contemporary romance, which makes sense since those are the genres I also write. But once in a while I like to step out of my comfort zone to see what else is going on in fiction...
This month, I read some truly wonderful YA paranormals (come back Monday for a review of the YA dystopian OMNI that's part of a blog tour) and a great ARC for a romance anthology being released next week (ONE LUCKY NIGHT - check back May 8 for more details about the release and May 12 for my review!)
I also dipped a toe into some scarier adult stuff - not my usual genre at all, but intriguing enough that I thought I'd share with the book club blog hoppers...
The Seer's Lover by Kat De Falla
Published February 2014 by The Wild Rose Press
About the Book:
Okay, first of all, take a look at that mondo-creepy cover! The red eyes.... Yikes! It makes me think totally spooky tropical paradise, jungle creatures creeping around after dark, and all kinds of sharp-taloned scary creatures... including demons and ex-lovers.
This is an adult paranormal with romance, an angels versus demons tale with multiple storylines and multiple POV voices. Told in third person with alternating voices, each chapter tells you where you are, ranging from Wisconsin to Costa Rica to Kansas to Russia - all over the map, really. Some of the narrators are good, some are demons, some are wavering in between... but all have their own agendas.
Even though I've read plenty of YA angel stories, this was my first foray into an adult version. Kat deFalla takes the reader on a break-neck journey into her world of angels, demons and "seers," those who can see the paranormal creatures who walk among us for what they truly are. The continuous action kept me reading, keeping me guessing as to what would happen next.
If you enjoy creepy paranormal thrillers, give this book a try. It's the first in a planned series, so if you like it, there will be more to come! But I totally recommend leaving the lights on while reading this oh-so-creepy tale.
About the Author:
Author Kat de Falla was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where she learned to roller skate, ride a banana seat bike, and love Shakespeare thanks to her high school English teacher.
Four years at the UW-Madison wasn't enough, so she returned to her beloved college town for her Doctor of Pharmacy degree and is happily employed as a retail pharmacist where she fills prescriptions and chats with her patients.
She is married to her soul mate, composer Lee de Falla and raising four kids together ala the Brady Bunch.
Please join us and share your own review of your best read from the past month. This month's link list is below. Meetings are the last Friday of each month. Next gathering is May 30th.
Okay, so I've been reading and reviewing a lot in the last month or so, which you can interpret as procrastination if you must, but I prefer to think of it as "replenishing the well." I read mostly paranormal YA and contemporary romance, which makes sense since those are the genres I also write. But once in a while I like to step out of my comfort zone to see what else is going on in fiction...
This month, I read some truly wonderful YA paranormals (come back Monday for a review of the YA dystopian OMNI that's part of a blog tour) and a great ARC for a romance anthology being released next week (ONE LUCKY NIGHT - check back May 8 for more details about the release and May 12 for my review!)
I also dipped a toe into some scarier adult stuff - not my usual genre at all, but intriguing enough that I thought I'd share with the book club blog hoppers...
The Seer's Lover by Kat De Falla
Published February 2014 by The Wild Rose Press
About the Book:
For years, Calise Rowe has been able to sense unusual energy from people, making her believe she is different. Pulled into an ancient war raging for centuries between demon hunters and seers, she's about to find out she's right.
Her search for the truth leads her to Lucas Rojas, a seer of angels and demons who walk the earth shrouded from normal human eyes. He's hidden his gift for years and refuses to endanger Calise by sharing it with her.
In the sultry Costa Rican Jungles, their worlds collide. As their passion and desire ignite, so does the ancient war between demons and seers. Will their combined efforts be enough to save themselves and the entire human world, or will their new found love be their downfall?MY TAKE:
Okay, first of all, take a look at that mondo-creepy cover! The red eyes.... Yikes! It makes me think totally spooky tropical paradise, jungle creatures creeping around after dark, and all kinds of sharp-taloned scary creatures... including demons and ex-lovers.
This is an adult paranormal with romance, an angels versus demons tale with multiple storylines and multiple POV voices. Told in third person with alternating voices, each chapter tells you where you are, ranging from Wisconsin to Costa Rica to Kansas to Russia - all over the map, really. Some of the narrators are good, some are demons, some are wavering in between... but all have their own agendas.
Even though I've read plenty of YA angel stories, this was my first foray into an adult version. Kat deFalla takes the reader on a break-neck journey into her world of angels, demons and "seers," those who can see the paranormal creatures who walk among us for what they truly are. The continuous action kept me reading, keeping me guessing as to what would happen next.
If you enjoy creepy paranormal thrillers, give this book a try. It's the first in a planned series, so if you like it, there will be more to come! But I totally recommend leaving the lights on while reading this oh-so-creepy tale.
Buy THE SEER'S LOVER on Amazon Here.
About the Author:
Author Kat de Falla was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where she learned to roller skate, ride a banana seat bike, and love Shakespeare thanks to her high school English teacher.
Four years at the UW-Madison wasn't enough, so she returned to her beloved college town for her Doctor of Pharmacy degree and is happily employed as a retail pharmacist where she fills prescriptions and chats with her patients.
She is married to her soul mate, composer Lee de Falla and raising four kids together ala the Brady Bunch.
Please join us and share your own review of your best read from the past month. This month's link list is below. Meetings are the last Friday of each month. Next gathering is May 30th.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
#NEW RELEASE: STILL WATER by Justin R. Macumber
Hey there and Happy Wednesday! I know scary stories aren't my usual genre, but I've been delving in to the dark side of things lately (come back Friday for a review of the last spooky tale I read, THE SEER'S LOVER!)
I'm stocking my e-reader for vacation next week and adding this new creepy story from Justin R. Macumber. I met him through an author group and this story sounds like an awesome read (as long as the lights are on!) I mean, I LOVE the cover, and check out this back-of-book blurb:
About the Author:
Justin Macumber is the author of Amazon Bestsellers HAYWIRE (Gryphonwood Press) and A MINOR MAGIC (Crescent Moon Press). When he is not hard at work on his next novel he co-hosts the Dead Robots’ Society podcast. He is also a co-host and reviewer for the popular Hollywood Outsider podcast, which is located at He and his lovely wife live in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex with a crazy pack of dogs and cats that run them ragged.
For more information:
Follow Justin R. Macumber on Facebook:
Published by Gryphonwood Press
Publication Date: April 22, 2014
Price: $9.99
ISBN: 978-1-940095-15-8
Also available in ebook and forthcoming in audiobook.
I'm stocking my e-reader for vacation next week and adding this new creepy story from Justin R. Macumber. I met him through an author group and this story sounds like an awesome read (as long as the lights are on!) I mean, I LOVE the cover, and check out this back-of-book blurb:
Coal is the hard, black heart of the mountain town of Stillwater, West Virginia, but far beneath it lies something much darker, an evil beyond time, waiting to rise and bathe the world in blood and fire once more. When unwitting miners dig into its tomb, only Kyle - Stillwater's prodigal son - and paranormal investigator Maya stand between humanity and Hell. Time is short and evil runs deep in… STILL WATER.
Find it on AMAZON in e-book or paperback
About the Author:
Justin Macumber is the author of Amazon Bestsellers HAYWIRE (Gryphonwood Press) and A MINOR MAGIC (Crescent Moon Press). When he is not hard at work on his next novel he co-hosts the Dead Robots’ Society podcast. He is also a co-host and reviewer for the popular Hollywood Outsider podcast, which is located at He and his lovely wife live in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex with a crazy pack of dogs and cats that run them ragged.
For more information:
Follow Justin R. Macumber on Facebook:
Published by Gryphonwood Press
Publication Date: April 22, 2014
Price: $9.99
ISBN: 978-1-940095-15-8
Also available in ebook and forthcoming in audiobook.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
How Do You Celebrate Earth Day?
Days like this, I'm glad my daughter is still a Girl Scout.
Over the weekend, her Cadette troop participated in an Americorp-sponsored Day of Service, celebrating Earth Day and the natural beauty of Cape Cod. In other words, it was time for the annual canal clean-up.
The Cape Cod Canal cuts straight across the top of the Cape, from north to south and from Bourne through to Sandwich, connecting Cape Cod Bay in the north to Buzzards Bay in the south.
Along both sides there are recreational trails for walkers, bikers, fishermen, dogs, kids, families... to be honest, my family has never utilized this area before, and only been to the canal on class trips or for various camps at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy campus, which is situated where the canal spills into Buzzards Bay.
For several hours, we hiked along the canal paths, picking up trash along the edges of the path and from the rocks along the canal banks. On the map, our group worked the stretch on the northern bank, from a little east of the railroad bridge all the way to the Bourne bridge.
The girls complained on the drive there (too early, too tired, too much fresh air) but once they had their t-shirts and blue plastic gloves, they were off. Filling bags with litter, laughing at silly jokes, taking selfies under the bridge, and singing at the top of their lungs.
In short, they had a great time doing a good deed.
So how about you? How are you going to celebrate Earth Day?
Monday, April 21, 2014
My latest mermaid book - BLOOD OF A MERMAID - will be released next month, and I've just seen the final version of the cover at... Oh. My. God. I'm in love...again. I think the amazing Jeannie Ruesch has outdone herself!
The Cover Reveal is slated for May 1st - if you'd like to help me spread the word, leave a comment below or send me an email to katie.osullivan (at) yahoo (dot) com. I'd love to have some help getting this gorgeous cover noticed!!!
The second book in the series features some of the same characters from the first book, as well as introducing some new faces and places. Kae and Hailey both have larger roles to play, and Shea is learning the hard way just how complicated relationships can be, both above and below the ocean.
The back-of-the-book blurb reads like this:
Mermaid blood.
When Shea MacNamara fell into the ocean for the first time, he found he could breathe underwater. The son of a mermaid, the sea is in his blood. Literally. The best part of Shea’s new life? His girlfriend Kae, who also happens to be a beautiful mermaid.
But darkness lurks under the sea. When evil mermen kidnap Kae, the king reminds Shea that having royal blood means making tough choices.
An Arctic dungeon, a fiery plane crash, the legendary halls of Atlantis…and narwhals?
Having mermaid blood just got a lot more complicated.
The book will be available in May, with more news on release parties (and Giveaways!) coming soon. Be forewarned, my son is graduating from high school at the beginning of June, and headed off to the Air Force Academy at the end of that month, so bear with me.
Friday, April 18, 2014
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Spilling Cover Secrets at the Darkly Delicious YA Blog today

So what's the secret?
Hint: It's about the boy on the cover, and the stir it caused at my son's school... Curious yet? Come find out what I'm talking about! See you over there!
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Shades of Avalon, by Carol Oates
Omnific Publishing, April 2014
About the Book (from Goodreads):
SHADES OF AVALON is the second book in this YA/NA series about Guardians, weaving Celtic mythology with Arthurian legend and modern paranormal adventure together into one tight package. I worried a little about "sophomore slump," but author Carol Oates did not disappoint.
This second tale in the series is told exclusively from Ben Pryor's POV. He gives a slightly different perspective looking back on the events of the first book (Shades of Atlantis) as well as a more action-packed and hormone-laden point of view as the action moves forward.
He and his older sister Triona recently came into their inheritance of their powers as Guardians, a separate race of beings, and defeated the corrupt ruling Council - if you missed book one, go back and read it now. (My review is HERE.) But in the battle that ended the Council's rule, Triona allowed one of the corrupt Guardians to escape. That was her first mistake. Now Caleb is missing and their world is again on the brink of chaos.Ben is torn between the need of the Guardians for action and fighting, and his personal, deeply emotional need to keep his girl out of danger.
The twists and turns of the tightly plotted storyline will keep you on the edge of your seat as you try to unravel the mysteries surrounding their world and their connections with Arthurian legends. By turns adventurous and romantic, this is a great followup to the first book and a satisfying continuation of the Guardian legend.
About the Author:
Carol Oates came into the world on Christmas morning, in an elevator. Raised just across the street from the childhood home of Bram Stoker, author of Dracula, it was only a matter of time before Carol’s love of all things supernatural would emerge.
She began experimenting with fiction at school and keeps the notebook containing her first unpublished novel in her desk drawer. Over three decades later, all her stories still begin life scrawled on paper.
When not writing, Carol can be found exploring history with her son. Luckily, he shares her love of old buildings, castles, and tombs.
Omnific Publishing, April 2014
About the Book (from Goodreads):
Ben Pryor grew up as an average kid in Camden, Maine, unaware of the supernatural storm brewing in his Celtic blood. However, at nineteen, as the last born in the royal line of the beings that once ruled Atlantis, Ben has eagerly embraced his newfound abilities and birthright.MY TAKE:
When Caleb, his sister’s mate, goes missing under suspicious circumstances, the prime suspect is the last remaining member of the overthrown corrupt Guardian Council.
With the discovery that an old acquaintance has been keeping secrets and the future Ben was so sure of shifting before his eyes, the situation becomes more complicated, the ransom for Caleb too high.
In the sequel to Shades of Atlantis, Ben will delve deeper than he ever imagined into the magical old ways of the Guardians, the secrets of Excalibur, and the truth behind the legend of King Arthur.
SHADES OF AVALON is the second book in this YA/NA series about Guardians, weaving Celtic mythology with Arthurian legend and modern paranormal adventure together into one tight package. I worried a little about "sophomore slump," but author Carol Oates did not disappoint.
This second tale in the series is told exclusively from Ben Pryor's POV. He gives a slightly different perspective looking back on the events of the first book (Shades of Atlantis) as well as a more action-packed and hormone-laden point of view as the action moves forward.
He and his older sister Triona recently came into their inheritance of their powers as Guardians, a separate race of beings, and defeated the corrupt ruling Council - if you missed book one, go back and read it now. (My review is HERE.) But in the battle that ended the Council's rule, Triona allowed one of the corrupt Guardians to escape. That was her first mistake. Now Caleb is missing and their world is again on the brink of chaos.Ben is torn between the need of the Guardians for action and fighting, and his personal, deeply emotional need to keep his girl out of danger.
The twists and turns of the tightly plotted storyline will keep you on the edge of your seat as you try to unravel the mysteries surrounding their world and their connections with Arthurian legends. By turns adventurous and romantic, this is a great followup to the first book and a satisfying continuation of the Guardian legend.
Buy SHADES OF AVALON on Amazon Here.
About the Author:
Carol Oates came into the world on Christmas morning, in an elevator. Raised just across the street from the childhood home of Bram Stoker, author of Dracula, it was only a matter of time before Carol’s love of all things supernatural would emerge.
She began experimenting with fiction at school and keeps the notebook containing her first unpublished novel in her desk drawer. Over three decades later, all her stories still begin life scrawled on paper.
When not writing, Carol can be found exploring history with her son. Luckily, he shares her love of old buildings, castles, and tombs.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Oates is officially one of my new favorite authors - and her newest
book releases TODAY! I'm so excited for this second book of her
Guardians series, and felt privileged to read an ARC earlier this month.
All I can say is... Loved it!
Have you read the first book, Shades of Atlantis? This second book is Ben's story, and continues where the first book left off but from Ben's perspective.
Here's the blurb:
She began experimenting with fiction at school and keeps the notebook containing her first unpublished novel in her desk drawer. Over three decades later, all her stories still begin life scrawled on paper.
Have you read the first book, Shades of Atlantis? This second book is Ben's story, and continues where the first book left off but from Ben's perspective.
Here's the blurb:
Ben Pryor grew up as an average kid in Camden, Maine, unaware of the supernatural storm brewing in his Celtic blood. However, at nineteen, as the last born in the royal line of the beings that once ruled Atlantis, Ben has eagerly embraced his new-found abilities and birthright.And here's an exclusive excerpt:
When Caleb, his sister’s mate, goes missing under suspicious circumstances, the prime suspect is the last remaining member of the overthrown corrupt Guardian Council.
With the discovery that an old acquaintance has been keeping secrets and the future Ben was so sure of shifting before his eyes, the situation becomes more complicated, the ransom for Caleb too high.
In the sequel to Shades of Atlantis, Ben will delve deeper than he ever imagined into the magical old ways of the Guardians, the secrets of Excalibur, and the truth behind the legend of King Arthur.
“Don’t even think it, caveman,” she warned with a breathy laugh. “You stay right there.”
laid her mask on the seat cushion, and raised the front of her dress
over her ankle. She then perched one foot on the edge of the same seat.
Perspiration began to gather at my hairline as she pinched a slip of the
gold fabric and lace overlay, drawing it farther up over the creamy
golden skin of her tensed calf.
held my breath when the fabric reached her knee, and she released one
hand, batting her eyelashes demurely. I had no idea when Amanda had
learned to flirt and tease so expertly, but I wasn’t about to
complain…well, maybe just a little. She’d drive me crazy with this
newfound ability.
free hand slid over her knee and continued upward, bunching the fabric
to reveal a sheathed dagger strapped to the outer side of her thigh. The
tip just reached her knee. My eyes widen in astonishment at the
decorative hilt, twisting thorny vines intricately engraved in the
silver colored metal. The design carried down the dark leather sheath.
“This is the Druid Blade.”
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *~
Ready to get your own copy and read the whole thing? You won't be disappointed! You can find SHADES OF AVALON on Amazon starting today, and tomorrow there will be a SALE. (See Friday's post and book review for more information!)
About the Author:
Carol Oates came into the
world on Christmas morning, in an elevator. Raised just across the
street from the childhood home of Bram Stoker, author of Dracula, it was
only a matter of time before Carol’s love of all things supernatural
would emerge.
She began experimenting with fiction at school and keeps the notebook containing her first unpublished novel in her desk drawer. Over three decades later, all her stories still begin life scrawled on paper.
When not writing, Carol can be found exploring
history with her son. Luckily, he shares her love of old buildings,
castles, and tombs.
AND... if that wasn't enough... here's the Rafflecopter Giveaway!! Enter and Good Luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Monday, April 14, 2014
Challenging Destiny, by Cherie Colyer
Published by The Wild Rose Press, March 2014 on Kindle
About the Book (from Goodreads):
This is the third paranormal YA I've read from this author, and I'll admit to enjoying her writing style. The dialogue is crisp, the snark is enjoyable and the situations keep me turning pages well into the night. I loved and reviewed her first two books, EMBRACE and HOLD TIGHT (click links to read my reviews.) Her first two books are from Omnific Publishing, and I jumped at the chance to read and review her latest book from The Wild Rose Press, CHALLENGING DESTINY.
Cherie Colyer has done it again, hitting another 5-star homerun with a new YA supernatural series. At least, I hope it's a series, because I'm pretty sure heaven and hell aren't finished with the Ragsdale siblings.
The story is told in alternating POVs between Ariana Ragsdale and her big brother Logan. The two pretend to be normal high school students, struggling with geometry, finding dates for the dance and cutting classes, but they know there is something different about themselves. They have odd birthmarks and a strange connection to each other, as well as the odd ability to influence the minds of others. On their own since their last foster parents met tragic deaths, Logan can always tell when death is stalking their loved ones... and suddenly he's hearing voices again and knows someone is going to die.
Good versus evil, blessed versus the fallen... all Logan and Ariana want is to escape with their lives. I should admit here that I'm a big fan of the television show, Supernatural, and the struggles of the Ragsdale siblings reminded me a little of the Winchester brothers. But in a good way, complete with Sam and Dean's usual side of snark and dash of sass. The Ragsdales aren't Hunters like the Winchesters - just teens marked as pawns in a war they want no part of.
Ms. Colyer shows her prowess once again, with this well-written paranormal tale that's sure to engage and delight. If you like angels versus demon tales (or you're a fan of Sam and Dean) check out this new take on the war between Heaven and Hell. You won't be disappointed.
Find Cherie online at
Published by The Wild Rose Press, March 2014 on Kindle
About the Book (from Goodreads):
Logan Ragsdale and his younger sister, Ariana, have been marked, chosen to be unwilling participants in a war between angels and demons.
Logan can sense something's not quite right. Like an unexpected chill on a summer's day, he can feel the unseen closing in. He's had these feelings before and, each time, someone close to him died. He's afraid this time it might just be Ariana.
Logan's fears are soon confirmed when he discovers their new friends aren't human, but rather representatives from Heaven and Hell sent to Earth to ensure he and Ariana accept their roles in an ancient prophecy. Demons want Logan to open the gates of Hell. Ariana has the power to stop them, but if she chooses to side with Heaven to spare the lives of thousands of innocent people, she'll damn her brother for eternity.
Together, they must derail the biblical event if they hope to save themselves and the future of mankind...but what price are they willing to pay to keep the other safe?
This is the third paranormal YA I've read from this author, and I'll admit to enjoying her writing style. The dialogue is crisp, the snark is enjoyable and the situations keep me turning pages well into the night. I loved and reviewed her first two books, EMBRACE and HOLD TIGHT (click links to read my reviews.) Her first two books are from Omnific Publishing, and I jumped at the chance to read and review her latest book from The Wild Rose Press, CHALLENGING DESTINY.
Cherie Colyer has done it again, hitting another 5-star homerun with a new YA supernatural series. At least, I hope it's a series, because I'm pretty sure heaven and hell aren't finished with the Ragsdale siblings.
The story is told in alternating POVs between Ariana Ragsdale and her big brother Logan. The two pretend to be normal high school students, struggling with geometry, finding dates for the dance and cutting classes, but they know there is something different about themselves. They have odd birthmarks and a strange connection to each other, as well as the odd ability to influence the minds of others. On their own since their last foster parents met tragic deaths, Logan can always tell when death is stalking their loved ones... and suddenly he's hearing voices again and knows someone is going to die.
Good versus evil, blessed versus the fallen... all Logan and Ariana want is to escape with their lives. I should admit here that I'm a big fan of the television show, Supernatural, and the struggles of the Ragsdale siblings reminded me a little of the Winchester brothers. But in a good way, complete with Sam and Dean's usual side of snark and dash of sass. The Ragsdales aren't Hunters like the Winchesters - just teens marked as pawns in a war they want no part of.
Ms. Colyer shows her prowess once again, with this well-written paranormal tale that's sure to engage and delight. If you like angels versus demon tales (or you're a fan of Sam and Dean) check out this new take on the war between Heaven and Hell. You won't be disappointed.
About the Author:
(From the author's website:)
I write young adult and
middle grade novels. I love finding new stories that keep me up late
reading. While my favorite genre is fantasy, if the book is beautifully
written with characters that come alive I’m all over it.
My debut novel EMBRACE and the sequel HOLD TIGHT are now available from Omnific Publishing.
My debut novel EMBRACE and the sequel HOLD TIGHT are now available from Omnific Publishing.
Find Cherie online at
Friday, April 11, 2014
Shades of Atlantis, by Carol Oates
Published by Omnific Publishing, November 2010
Carol Oates has a new book coming out NEXT WEEK - Shades of Avalon will be released on April 15th! It's the second in this series, and this blog will be participating in her release party, and reviewing the new book as well! I recently finished the first book in the series and LOVED it, and thought I'd share the review today to get you excited about her new release! Her publisher is running a special 2-for-1 deal on the 15th as well - details are below. Now on to the review...
About the Book (from Goodreads):
To be perfectly honest, I was hoping for a mermaid in a young adult book with "Atlantis" in the title. There were supernatural beings, but no mermaids, but I wasn't disappointed at all. What SHADES OF ATLANTIS actually delivered was so much more than I expected, weaving Celtic legends into modern fantasies that had me glued to the book until the very end.
I've always had a fascination with Arthurian legends as well as English and Celtic mythology. Carol Oates takes all of these classic elements, blends them together and adds a modern YA voice. She's created a unique and fabulous storyline, and a timeless romance that crosses from modern to mythic and satisfies both cravings.
The narrator is Triona Pryor, a high school senior from the small town of Camden, Maine. After her parents die in a car accident, she and her younger brother Ben went to live with her aunt and uncle when they were both still pretty young. She seems like a quiet normal girl, something of a distracted bookworm type, with no real interest in dating or boys. She has a close-knit group of friends and a job waitressing at a local restaurant. She is beautiful but doesn't realize it. People are drawn to her, and to help her, including her friends and her brother who bail her out of a few awkward situations.
When the restaurant is purchased by three brothers from New York City, Triona ignores the rumors flying about the handsome third brother. He finally arrives in Camden and the attraction is instant and magnetic between them. Triona can't think or even breathe when she's close to Caleb Wallace - he instantly consumes her every thought, despite his cryptic and confusing behavior toward her.
With no prior dating experience, Triona misinterprets so many of their interactions that you just want to yell at her to pay closer attention, which is what her friends are for (thank goodness!) Luckily, as the story unfolds, Triona learns and grows into the woman she should be, changing from an oblivious schoolgirl to a heroine you can root for, with a love story that will have you holding your breath at each twist of the tale.
The author is a master of the slow build, unfolding each story element slowly and thoughtfully. She weaves the mythology throughout, infusing the standard Celtic myths with new life and new perspective. I loved how she let the main character grow and develop. Despite the instant attraction and "insta-love" they immediately feel, they still need to learn to trust each other and understand one another before they can fully realize their love, say the "L" word, or jump into bed. Ms. Oates lets Triona discover her inner strength and who she is on the inside before she can fully bond with her soul mate, a positive message I can fully endorse.
If you enjoy mythology based YA, I totally recommend trying SHADES OF ATLANTIS, (but don't expect any mermaids.) I'm eagerly anticipating the sequel, SHADES OF AVALON, coming later this year.
About the Author (from Goodreads):
Carol Oates came into the world on Christmas morning, in an elevator. Raised just across the street from the childhood home of Bram Stoker, author of Dracula, it was only a matter of time before Carol’s love of all things supernatural would emerge.
She began experimenting with fiction at school and keeps the notebook containing her first unpublished novel in her desk drawer. Over three decades later, all her stories still begin life scrawled on paper.
When not writing, Carol can be found exploring history with her son. Luckily, he shares her love of old buildings, castles, and tombs.
Published by Omnific Publishing, November 2010
Carol Oates has a new book coming out NEXT WEEK - Shades of Avalon will be released on April 15th! It's the second in this series, and this blog will be participating in her release party, and reviewing the new book as well! I recently finished the first book in the series and LOVED it, and thought I'd share the review today to get you excited about her new release! Her publisher is running a special 2-for-1 deal on the 15th as well - details are below. Now on to the review...
About the Book (from Goodreads):
Since the death of their parents, Triona Pryor and her brother, Ben, have lived with their aunt and uncle in Camden, Maine. Now in her senior year of high school, Triona loves her family and friends, but she has always felt that she didn't quite fit Camden, or anywhere else.MY TAKE:
Enter Caleb Wallace, the devilishly handsome man who has recently moved to Triona's small town.
While their attraction to each other is instantaneous, it also proves to be dangerous...and deadly. When tragedy strikes, Triona flees to London for solace and to start her life anew. It's there she discovers from an unlikely source that her family has been keeping secrets from her - secrets about not only her birthright, but her ultimate destiny as well.
Armed with this knowledge, Triona finds herself thrown into a whole new world and into a battle to save the lives of everyone she loves.
To be perfectly honest, I was hoping for a mermaid in a young adult book with "Atlantis" in the title. There were supernatural beings, but no mermaids, but I wasn't disappointed at all. What SHADES OF ATLANTIS actually delivered was so much more than I expected, weaving Celtic legends into modern fantasies that had me glued to the book until the very end.
I've always had a fascination with Arthurian legends as well as English and Celtic mythology. Carol Oates takes all of these classic elements, blends them together and adds a modern YA voice. She's created a unique and fabulous storyline, and a timeless romance that crosses from modern to mythic and satisfies both cravings.
The narrator is Triona Pryor, a high school senior from the small town of Camden, Maine. After her parents die in a car accident, she and her younger brother Ben went to live with her aunt and uncle when they were both still pretty young. She seems like a quiet normal girl, something of a distracted bookworm type, with no real interest in dating or boys. She has a close-knit group of friends and a job waitressing at a local restaurant. She is beautiful but doesn't realize it. People are drawn to her, and to help her, including her friends and her brother who bail her out of a few awkward situations.
When the restaurant is purchased by three brothers from New York City, Triona ignores the rumors flying about the handsome third brother. He finally arrives in Camden and the attraction is instant and magnetic between them. Triona can't think or even breathe when she's close to Caleb Wallace - he instantly consumes her every thought, despite his cryptic and confusing behavior toward her.
With no prior dating experience, Triona misinterprets so many of their interactions that you just want to yell at her to pay closer attention, which is what her friends are for (thank goodness!) Luckily, as the story unfolds, Triona learns and grows into the woman she should be, changing from an oblivious schoolgirl to a heroine you can root for, with a love story that will have you holding your breath at each twist of the tale.
The author is a master of the slow build, unfolding each story element slowly and thoughtfully. She weaves the mythology throughout, infusing the standard Celtic myths with new life and new perspective. I loved how she let the main character grow and develop. Despite the instant attraction and "insta-love" they immediately feel, they still need to learn to trust each other and understand one another before they can fully realize their love, say the "L" word, or jump into bed. Ms. Oates lets Triona discover her inner strength and who she is on the inside before she can fully bond with her soul mate, a positive message I can fully endorse.
If you enjoy mythology based YA, I totally recommend trying SHADES OF ATLANTIS, (but don't expect any mermaids.) I'm eagerly anticipating the sequel, SHADES OF AVALON, coming later this year.
Get your copy of SHADES OF ATLANTIS on Amazon.
(be aware that the Amazon page might still have the old book cover.)
Carol's publisher is also running a Tax Day Special, in honor of her upcoming release, so you might want to wait until next week to get a 2-for-1 deal:
Carol's publisher is also running a Tax Day Special, in honor of her upcoming release, so you might want to wait until next week to get a 2-for-1 deal:
About the Author (from Goodreads):
Carol Oates came into the world on Christmas morning, in an elevator. Raised just across the street from the childhood home of Bram Stoker, author of Dracula, it was only a matter of time before Carol’s love of all things supernatural would emerge.
She began experimenting with fiction at school and keeps the notebook containing her first unpublished novel in her desk drawer. Over three decades later, all her stories still begin life scrawled on paper.
When not writing, Carol can be found exploring history with her son. Luckily, he shares her love of old buildings, castles, and tombs.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Kat de Falla has a new book out now from The Wild Rose Press - and it's available FREE for the next few days through April 12th for your Kindle. I've got the blurb and excerpt here today - and you can get your own copy by going to AMAZON.
Calise Rowe's question of who walks among us leads her into an ancient war between seers and
About the Book:
For years, Calise Rowe has been able to sense unusual energy from people, making her believe she is different. Pulled into an ancient war raging for centuries between demon hunters and seers, she's about to find out she's right.
Her search for the truth leads her to Lucas Rojas, a seer of angels and demons who walk the earth shrouded from normal human eyes. He's hidden his gift for years and refuses to endanger Calise by sharing it with her.
In the sultry Costa Rican Jungles, their worlds collide. As their passion and desire ignite, so does the ancient war between demons and seers. Will their combined efforts be enough to save themselves and the entire human world, or will their new found love be their downfall?
She traced a
circle in the sand with her finger.
Why would she disclose her whole existence to someone
she’d just met? Someone who talked so little about himself that she found
herself talking to fill the void. Saying things she could barely admit in her
own head.
His hand covered hers. “I’m lonely, too. Getting to
know you this week has been the brightest point in my life and I don’t want you
to leave, but I know the only place you’ll be safe is far away from me.”
She swallowed. He had read her mind.
He lay down on his back and closed his eyes. “Cali,
you know when you hear a song for the first time and you kind of ingest it? You
can’t possibly know right away that it will be one of your favorite songs for
the rest of your life. A classic.”
“Yeah.” She hoped he was going somewhere good with
“That first listen,” he continued, “you pick up a
little of the melody and some lyrics that catch you. But when the song ends,
you have to hear it again because you want to memorize all the words and sing
along. After you hear it a few times and learn the words inside and out, then
you begin to let the melody seep inside you. Next thing you know, you’ve
completely digested the song and find yourself humming it while you are doing
nothing, like shaving or driving your car. Finally, the song becomes so
ingrained it becomes a part of you. Forever. You can recall it and it’s with
you whenever you need it. Am I making any sense?”
She nodded, blinking back the tears fighting to fall.
“Cali, I don’t want you to go back because you’re my
favorite song.”
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
About the Author:
Author Kat de Falla was born and raised in Milwaukee,
Wisconsin where she learned to roller skate, ride a banana seat bike, and love
Shakespeare thanks to her high school English teacher.
Four years at the UW-Madison wasn’t enough, so she
returned to her beloved college town for her Doctor of Pharmacy degree and is
happily employed as a retail pharmacist where she fills prescriptions and chats
with her patients.
She is married to her soul mate, classical guitarist,
Lee de Falla and raising four kids together a la the Brady Bunch.
Author Website:
Twitter: Anna’s Dance is a jazzy bossa nova meant to accompany chapter two
- Shane's Torment is a churning soundscape of despair meant to accompany chapter six
- Cali and Lucas First Dance is a Latin fusion instrumental love song meant to accompany chapter twelve
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