I received the first rejection on my middle grade fantasy yesterday... which hit me harder than I thought it would. I love this story, and really thought everyone else would love it too. Now granted, I guess the agent I sent my query to doesn't have a lot of fantasy in her roster.
And that's probably most of my problem.
I need to do a better job of investigating before I hit the send button. It doesn't matter that I've been reading this agent's blog, and love the way she writes about life and publishing. She's not that into fantasy. So I spent today - all day - doing research. There are lots and lots of agents out there. Lots.
And some of them even enjoy middle-grade fantasy books.
So I'll just have to try to hook one of them.
P.S. the painting is one I did for my daughter few years back for her birthday. The fantasy book is about mermaids, so I thought it an appropriate illustration...she looks defiant, right? I'm trying to feel defiant in the face of rejection....