Okay, So technically it's not still Sunday. My Sunday was filled to the brim with nervous musicians, wonderful performances, and kids splashing in the after-party pool.
Part of me would have rather been curled up with the book I started on Saturday: THE HELP, by Kathryn Stockett. I had mailed the hardcover of this book to my mom for Mother's Day... and she brought it with her on her visit for me to read as well.
My mom loved the book, and in a strange coincidence, my sister was also reading The Help on her visit, having taken it from the library. She was engrossed, which made me all the more eager to read it. It was on my to-do list last night after getting my little rock musicians settled into bed for the night.
Alas, my growing, teething, bored little puppy who wasn't allowed to come with us for the afternoon of rock concerts and pool parties... she had other ideas for my mother's hardcover book.
When we arrived home the house appeared littered with confetti, as if the puppy had her own after-concert party. Up the stairs, down the hallway, all over the living room and the t.v. room.... shreds of the bright yellow dust cover as well as ripped pages... and the hard cover, ripped off and heavily teethed upon. Uh oh. So much for leaving a 4 1/2 month old puppy alone for too many hours in a row...
So while I can now anecdotally recommend this book with great certainty - my book club loved it, my mom loved it, my voracious reader of a sister loved it, and my Puppy literally ate it up - I've only finished the first 50 pages.
I guess I need to go get on the Library waiting list. Or buy my mom a new book.
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