The weather on Cape Cod is supposed to be rough well into next week... although I still had to stand out in the rain yesterday to watch the middle school boys play soccer against Chatham (my son's team lost, 3-1.) Yesterday's game was slippery and cold, and today's game has already been canceled. (And I'm assuming field hockey will be canceled as well...)
I drove my friend Dorothy to the animal rescue league yesterday morning and again today, both times to take baby kittens in to be euthanized. She's a volunteer foster mom, and the cat they placed with her had nine kittens. Too many. Once she gets past the grief, she said she would try to write a story about her experiences as a rescue league volunteer for CapeWomenOnline (she was chosen as the volunteer of the year in 2008.)
Yesterday my pickup truck broke down while I was on my way to the transfer station (aka "dump") Apparently the power steering fluid line rusted through. I was able to get it to the mechanic for an estimate and managed to get home without incident... not as bad as when the brake lines failed on me last fall, but close.
And there's other stuff going on with family and friends that have me worried... All in all, I'm very happy to see the end of this particular week. Next week will hopefully be brighter. Once the nor'easter moves off to sea, at least.
And Next Monday, I'm supposed to be the guest blogger on Writer's At Play. Don't forget to come stop in to say hello! I'll be chatting about my book, Unfolding the Shadows, and offering a cool, crafty Halloween prize to one lucky commenter. I'm a little concerned because I haven't heard back from the author who invited me... but I'm keeping my hopes up that she's just busy and the blog will get posted and read by thousands of readers who don't know me yet...but will soon.
Have a great weekend!
Next week will be better! Can't wait to see your Writer's at Play post!