We're having a nor'easter at the moment. No snow on the Cape, although I hear Boston and towns north and west of there are experiencing the heavy white stuff at the moment.
Since there were no kid activities planned for the day, I thought I'd go to the monthly meeting of the New England Chapter of the Romance Writers of America (NEC-RWA, for those who've been there) The meetings are held on the campus of Brandeis University, up in Wellesley. About an hour and a half from here if I don't want to get a ticket.
I left an extra half hour early, given the weather and bridge construction. Unfortunately, it took longer than two hours to even get to the Sagamore Bridge (normally that part of the trip is 20 minutes...) Weather. Accidents. Construction. All of it conspired to keep me from the meeting.
So what did I do? I guess I could have kept going and showed up very late... but that didn't strike me as very professional. So I went to Target. We don't have any Targets on Cape Cod, so it feels like a treat to be able to wander the aisles and marvel at the choices (their Halloween section was fabulous, but I resisted!) I also found the L.L.Bean outlet to do some early Christmas shopping, but found that I really need to just go online to get the sizes I want.
Driving back home again in the driving rain and howling wind, I really wondered why I'd ever ventured out in the first place. I should have spent the day curled up on the couch with a book, or curled around my computer writing while my kids were out at playdates.
When I thought I was headed to an event with other writers, I was energized. Could it be that I was even a little giddy? I spend so much time writing alone, and editing alone, and sitting staring at my computer... sometimes it feels like my writing life isn't really real. It's a cyber-fantasy I've concocted to pretend that I have a career.
And speaking of justifying myself to myself and others, I'll be making another guest blog appearance tomorrow - Monday, October 19th - on the "Writers At Play" website blog.
Click here to get to the Writers At Play blog. I'll be giving away a little crafty Halloween decoration as a prize for one lucky commenter, so make sure to visit and leave a comment!
And cross your fingers that this nor'easter doesn't ruin anything more than my Sunday plans.
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