You can find the whole review page - and many more reviews of paranormal works - by going to www.paranormalromance.org or by clicking HERE."Drugs, Ghosts and Love."
Jillian didn't know she had inherited everything her Aunt Edith owned - but her husband did. And he was pissed! She had already filed divorce papers but it wasn't final and the only way Kyle would profit is if she wasn't there to finalize the divorce. Sounds like a perfect murder mystery plot, right?
It is! You must add in the fact the Jillian is a "ghost whisperer" who has hidden the talent for many years as she was exploited by her parents as a child. When she goes home to care for her aunt, leaving her children in Vermont with Kyle; she is opening a huge can of worms. Jasper, her deceased twin is waiting to say hello, as is her grandmother and many others. Can she deal with Kyle finding out her secret? For that matter, can she stay alive long enough for him to find out!
Ghosties (no ghoulies, though) help and hinder in this wonderful tale of the paranormal with a little romance thrown in for good measure. I heartily recommend this story and hope that I can find more work by Ms. O'Sullivan in the future! The characters are great, the drama high and the spirits far and away the best!
Reviewed by Nancy Eriksen
Posted December 13, 2010
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