One of Puppy's Absolute Favorite Things is riding in the car. Don't ask me why, but she gets all bouncy when she sees me grab the car keys. And it's not just when she thinks we're headed to the dog park.
She gets excited in the morning to go to the bus stop and in the afternoons to ride around and just do errands. She insists on riding along later in the day when we drive down to the high school to pick up the oldest child after sports (it's a half hour each way, and she LOVES it.)
She likes to stick her head out the window, her jowls flapping in the breeze. The doggy-ness of my car is evidenced by the coating of drool on both rear windows (and the thick layer of white fur on the floor o fthe back seat.) Luckily, I have one of the newer minivans where the windows go down - I can't imagine what she would have done in the old Odyssey!
New "trick" this week: On Tuesday, we were driving home from basketball tryouts (he made the team, btw) and Puppy wanted her window put down. My son and I were busy talking in the front seat, and Puppy decided to take matters into her own paws.
She lowered her own window.
Now, I'm sure you're thinking - like we did at the time - it was pure luck that her paw hit the button the right way to lower the window. They are power windows, after all. So we laughed, and forgot about it.
Until she did the same thing the next morning on the way to the bus.
She didn't even ask that second time, she just lowered her window and stuck her nose out into the cold breeze.
Smart Puppy! Luckily, there is a parental control lock up with the driver, so I can "lock out" her power button. But so far, I just think it's a cool trick ;-)
What have your dogs learned lately?

tonight 12/3 at the Harwich Port Holiday Stroll - - look for my table and poster inside the Pilgrim Congregational Church's Fellowship Hall on Route 28 !
...and again tomorrow 12/4 at the SHELF SPACE event sponsored by A Book in the Hand, in Yarmouth at the Cape Cod Cultural Center. Twenty-two local Cape authors will be at the Center selling and signing books - come do some "Buy Local" shopping with your local authors!
...and next week I'll be the featured author on the A WRITER'S MIND blog on December 11th and 12th. Make sure to stop by and leave a comment to win some great prizes!
If you're on Cape Cod, stop by and say hi! (I'm even baking cookies for tomorrow's event! Well, all the authors are baking - should be a delicious signing!)
Have a great weekend!
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