She always pushes to be first out the door. She will only sit in one seat in the minivan (the middle row, drivers side seat.) And she doesn't like to share toys.
When one of the other dogs has her toy, she whines. Incessantly. No, really. You think you know constant whining - - you don't until you've met my Puppy. Really. She's that good. Or bad, depending on your perspective.
So when On Christmas Day, my husband was given one toy for the 3 dogs to share, I was concerned.
Worried, even.
Although the old dog has no use (NO use) for chew toys, the other two tend to argue. And whine.

Anyway, Big Dog chewed up most of the "shared" toy. In a day. One day. Puppy just watched. And whined. Incessantly.

lol, I love that last shot :)