Cape Cod Weather Today: Overcast, grey grey grey, 44 degrees at the moment, with drizzle now and high wind and rain warnings for later. "April showers...."
It may be great weather for mermaids, but I'm not feeling Mother Nature's love at the moment. Where did my sun go? After a brief appearance for the day on Tuesday, it's gone again, and the weatherman says it won't come back until, like, Sunday! Aargh!
But bad weather is good for writing. Right? Right.
I finished revising again the YA mermaid tale, and queried two agents from my "OMG Love Them!" list. One already wrote back last night and asked to read the first few chapters. I'll hold off on my Snoopy happy dance for now, as I feel like I've been down this road before, and gotten my hopes up too high. When the hopes are too high, they get hurt more when they fall. But I did get excited and obsessive, and called a friend to come over to read the email with me to make sure it was really there in my inbox... and share a few glasses of wine with me to mini-celebrate. (Pinot Noir, not champagne. See? Staying realistic. Was gonna drink red wine anyway.
So what to work on next? It's going to rain for the next two days, they say, and both my WIPs are "out" being read. I guess I have to start something new! How exciting! Not as exciting as the email in my inbox, but still. Excitement.
Hope you get good news today, too. Or at least better weather than we have here on Cape Cod.
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