Cape Cod Weather today: Changeable. It looked dark this morning, then the sun broke through, but the clouds have been on the horizon all day, hovering, waiting. The air is full of moisture. The pool is totally unbalanced, confused by the changing weather.
It was gorgeous and sunny all of last week. The shifting weather pattern has brought the clouds back this week, and finally some humidity (not that I was missing it) ...but I realized that I hadn't been writing much. The weather was too nice to sit inside and type away.
I hadn't updated this blog in days, so this is going to be a round up of my thoughts and activities - somewhat akin to a big excuse note. "Please excuse Katie for not blogging as she had other things to do..."
I've posted to the Old Mill Point blog several times - stuff going on in the 'hood. As neighborhood Treasurer, I seem to be in charge of numerous tasks, small and large, although the upside is that I can hire my kids to do the odd jobs and not feel bad about the nepotism thing. My middle child bought his own electric guitar (with double pickups!) from last summer's earnings. My oldest was eager to help dig today to earn money for a trip to Canobie Lake Park tomorrow (you know it'll all be wasted on throwing darts and shooting baskets, but he earned it.)
As for writing, I'm trying to keep abreast of it all - I found a blog post today about a new agent who sounds interesting for my MG novel - but I'm not getting a lot of writing done. I'm still only 1/3 way through the rewrites suggested by Chris Richman in his kind rejection letter. Need to keep on that and query this new woman ASAP.
I've written a few magazine pieces for the fall issue of Cape Women Online, interviewed the Artistic Director of the local theatre (who wants my oldest to try out for a part in their upcoming Dracula!) She told me their box office is down about 30% this summer, but that all the area businesses seem to be experiencing the same fall off.
I also got roped onto a marketing committee for my yacht club. I guess they/we are trying to look for new ways to attract new members. There is no wait list at the moment, and in fact I think we need 20 or 30 new families to meet our target budget numbers for the year. The economy is having ripple effects all over. Comments? Ideas?
My parents will be here for a week starting Thursday. Oops, that's tomorrow. I guess I need to go make some beds and vacuum again. The previous tenants in the guest room had 3 dogs with them, so although I've already vacuumed once I feel the need for a do-over, just in case. Greyhounds have very fine hair....
That's about all, in addition to the sailing and basketball and guitar lessons that I'm still ferrying children to. Oh, and my son's rock band NonCompliant will be playing on August 1st at the annual kids day festival in Barnstable. Should be a great show!
Okay, THAT's about it. NOt much writing, but still busy. And counting the days until my release date.
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