I woke up with a quote running through my head.
"A man may work from sun to sun but a woman's work is never done."
Who said that first? Where did it come from? Has it always been like this from the dawn of time?
Laundry is piled in my bathroom and in my garage in front of the washing machine. My daughter carried her laundry basket out of her room yesterday, saying, "Mom. Really. This is out of control."
Should I tell her it's foreshadowing of her life to come?
It's only Wednesday, only the third day of the full summer schedule, and already I'm counting the days until swimming lessons are over. The kids are at sailing in the mornings, and swimming in the afternoons, one child had karate after swimming yesterday, today we have basketball evaluations after swimming for other son... and guitar lessons start up again next week.
It's good that they're all busy. But where does my writing time fit into this whole schedule thing? Where is the mommy time?
And where, for goodness sakes, does laundry fit into this picture?
My Point Of View (POV) is slipping.... narrowing... making it hard to see outside the kids' schedules and to a bigger, more balanced picture. The frenetic pace of summer is swirling me up into it's vortex.... or something like that.
In terms of writing, I took a fresh look at the Mermaid manuscript yesterday. Chris Richman was right in his assessment, and I changed the character ages back down to twelve. I still need to send off a thank you note, since his rejection was more than perfunctory. I still need to go through and look at the different POVs running through it, and whittle them down as per more of his excellent advice.
However, I think I disagree that I can't have any adult POVs. I just finished reading Anthony Horowitz's Raven's Gate, book 1 of the Gatekeepers series. He has several adult POVs sprinkled in. Okay, he's a NYTimes bestselling author and can break any rules he wants. But I feel strongly that I need to keep my bad guy's POV and he's an adult.
I could make his second in command a teen, perhaps, and get rid of the one or two times we're in Gramma's POV. I need to revisit this, and see if I can keep it to the 3 main characters POVs, and move one of the underwater scenes to the palace so we can see it all in Kae's POV. Ooh, good idea. I'll work on that today.
After I finish the laundry. Or at least start.
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