Cape Cod Weather Today: Partly cloudy, only 26 degrees. No visible wind blowing around but it has that still, cold look... and there's ice on the top of the pool cover again....
A quick post to welcome another Friday the 13th! The first one seemed unique and fun... this one is eh? ...an also ran... oh well.
A quick post to welcome another Friday the 13th! The first one seemed unique and fun... this one is eh? ...an also ran... oh well.
I'm busy wishing for warmer weather, gentle summer breezes and sunshine. Lots of it. Thus the photo I chose for this post, of the Swan River last spring. That's what I'm longing for now. Green Grass and Blue Skies. If it warms up a little more, I may take the camera out today to look for signs of spring in my neighborhood. Or maybe I should just sit here and get some writing done.
Whatever you choose to do, I hope you take advantage of another Lucky Day. Close your eyes and make a good wish.
Don't let Lucky 13 go to waste.
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