It's officially tourist season. I mean, Summer.
We've had our first neighborhood cocktail party this weekend. And the kids have started sailing lessons and swimming lessons.
But the weather isn't cooperating. The party ended in a thunderstorm. And the kids sailed in the rain yesterday.
And somehow I haven't been able to write since that last rejection came into my inbox. I need to get over myself, I guess, but the rejection thing is wearing me down.
On the other hand, Cape Women Online is keeping me busy. Inquiries from authors, edits to submissions, reformatting event submissions, editorial meetings... I'm enjoying being the Editor. We even have a college student who wants to be our intern. I need to send her an email today. And send out some queries about the stories I'd like to write for the next few issues...
So is writing articles the same as working on revising my novels or writing book 2 of the mermaid series? Well, not really. But it is exercising my writing muscles, keeping my fingers nimble on the keyboard, until I'm ready to tackle the world of my manuscripts once again.
In between sailing lessons and thunderstorms.
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