Every year we have a table inside the big church on Main Street where we sell little holiday ornaments and whatnot to the visitors. They come to town for the tree lighting and stay for the music and good cheer.
It's a Cape tradition in many of these small towns, kind of like a Friday night block party or evening sidewalk sale where all the local merchants and businesses sponsor music, food, sales, crafts, raffles, etc. all up and down Main Street. Lots of fun, and a nice opportunity for local groups like the Girl Scouts to earn a little extra money (we're hoping to go snowshoeing up north with the proceeds!)
Last week was the Veteran's Day holiday. I should have planned ahead for a blog post that day, but didn't. I was busy with my troop at the annual ceremony held at the local Veteran's Memorial. All the scouts and veterans and soldiers who live here in town participate.

What kind of crafts do you make for the holidays? Or is the glue gun your sworn enemy? Share some new ideas - the girl scouts are always up for a new challenge!
Happy Crafting!
I love holiday crafts! It's always so much fun!!! I make little snowmen, and ginerbread men, little christmas trees to hang up at work, so festive and fun!