This year at sailing school, there are weekly "themes" for the kids, to help build a sense of fun and camaraderie both on and off the shore. Friday was "Hawaiian Day," and the instructors urged the kids to dress up with flowery shirts and colorful leis.
My middle son refused to dress up.
Instead, we dressed up Puppy and took her along.
Middle son was thrilled. And so was Puppy.

The club where the kids take lessons is in a beautiful spot, on a quiet offshoot of the Bass River. On Friday morning, the weather was beautiful, the skies blue, the slight breeze barely able to ruffle the glass of the water...
Maybe not ideal for sailing races, but it meant the morning would be slow and Puppy wouldn't be in the way. Much.

Puppy was interested in everything, stopping to say hello to all the other sailing kids, the instructors, the moms, the little brothers and sisters in strollers... she wanted to check out everyone and everything.
She sniffed the boats. The docks. The sailing shed, where they store the sails and rudders. The gravel path around the perimeter, as well as the wrap-around deck where parents sit to watch the sailors in the morning and the sunset at night.

Finally exhausted, Puppy plopped down on the lawn next to the docks and refused to budge. She was happy to watch the to and fro of the sailors rigging their boats and rolling them down the ramp into the water. She tried to sneak down the ramp to join them at one point, but the Hawaiian shirt was a little constricting so I thought it best if she remain dry.
Puppy had a great morning, but didn't actually get a chance to sail. Maybe next time.
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