It was a lo-o-o-o-ng month of blogging this April, trying to navigate my way through the alphabet challenge. I might have been a little insane when I signed up for it - I was the twelfth person to add my name to the Challenge list.
It turned out that over 1,200 people across the globe signed their names to that same Challenge list. Not all of us made it to Z. As I often say, sometimes life gets in the way. The Zebra award was created by Elizabeth Mueller for everyone who made it all the way from A to Z. Thank you, Elizabeth, and if you're an A-to-Z-er who hasn't visited Elizabeth to pick up your award, click the image above to take you there and check out her blog.
In the end, (and now that it's May) I'm glad I took part in this event. I've discovered some wonderful blogs, and a lot of wonderful people have discovered mine! The hundred follower mark came and went somewhere along the way - a milestone for sure. But more important are the connections themselves.
I learned a few things about Blogger - how to embed video, how to (successfully) schedule posts in advance, and how to more successfully make time to visit and comment on the posts of other participants. It's been a good month.
And I've also been awarded my first Blog Awards this month, from some of my new-found friends. Deirdra from A Storybook World gave me my first - the Powerful Woman Writer Award, then Julie B (aka Lady Dragonfly) gave me the Stylish Blogger award,... And now in addition to the wonderful A-to-Zebra above, I've also just received the Versatile Blogger award from CR Ward - thank you so much!

This award comes with rules, as many of you know.
1. Link back to the awarder (which I’ve done above - the award is a link)
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award this to 10-15 newly discovered bloggers
4. Tell said bloggers they have an award waiting.
Since this post is already a little long (and I'm running out of blogging time before the school bus) I'm going to think about this and post my list of things about me and my list of people to pass the award along to.
Happy May to all - especially those who survived the Challenge of April ;-)
Woo-hoo! We survived! LOL
ReplyDeleteI still haven't learned to successfully embed videos! glad we all survived, it wasa great month
ReplyDeleteCongrats for making it through! Quite the adrenaline rush, eh? Congrats on the award! And I love the survival badge *teehee*
ReplyDeleteCongrats on finishing April and your award!!!
ReplyDeleteI thought you did an amazing job with the A to Z Challenge, and I'm glad I discovered you along the way. I have another award for you over at my blog (not that you need the extra work it entails, but perhaps you can incorporate it with the current one).
Happy May to you as well, and congratulations on your awards! Great job on the Challenge!
ReplyDeleteCongrats KatieO! You did a wonderful job :-)
ReplyDeleteI've got to remove my A to Z button and put up my A to Z finished award! It was great to meet you through this, and I must say, it's great to know other people are out there squeezing blogging into the little cracks of time between life. Cheers to being a mom and a writer!!!