One Hundred Days. When you say it like that, it sounds... pretty cool.
Does anyone know how I would install a countdown clock app on this page? Just to tease myself? And you?
Another thing to add to my list today.
Still not writing today - need to finish mulching the backyard and getting it ready to open the pool this weekend (it is almost June after all, it's gonna be warm sometime) Never did get to tearing down the wallpaper in the bathroom this week, as I'd promised my husband before he flew off to Nebraska on business. Busy with landscaping. But I told my son yesterday, I enjoy landscaping because when it's done I get a great feeling of satisfaction, surveying the yard and thinking "I did that."
I think the feeling when I see my book in print will be similar. Maybe a little more intense.
I'm looking forward to finding out.
One Hundred Days.
LOL - I just figured out yesterday that there are more than a hundred days until the release. I entirely skipped over September. What does that mean? That I know it'll be a brutal month? Ah well. So I get to post this headline again when it's really 100 days away. LOL Again...