In addition to selling cookies, Girl Scouts like to do crafts! My troop recently made Valentine wreaths - we even made a few extras for the librarians who are so kind as to put up with our meetings. We used recycled coat hangers, leftover pipecleaners and Christmas garlands (and some of those sticky foam hearts) to create glittery Valentine fun. Perfect for moms, teachers, and my own front door!
What are you planning for Valentines Day? Will you break out the hot glue gun, or just whip up some culinary excellence for your sweetie? Flowers, chocolates, or heart-print pajamas? Dinner out or dinner in? So many questions! So many options!
A special day to celebrate love and heart-felt friendship. Why do we only celebrate this once a year? And why only for a day? All that pressure and emotion concentrated into one little day!
Better start planning now!
Cute craft! Valentine's Day is more fun for kids these days...