Going through the checklist in my head of all the things we wanted to do on this vacation in the mountains, I feel satisfied that the kids and I accomplished all our goals.
Hike a mountain? check. Work on the farm? check. Go horseback riding? check. Blueberry picking? check. Going to Swimming Holes? check. Boating? check, check. Relax? hmmm.....
I guess I forgot something after all.
Do you ever head home from "vacation" more tired than when you started the week? Or is that just me? Perhaps I forgot to add that "relaxation" thing to the master list at the beginning. We've been busy driving around from one fun thing to another (almost 300 miles of driving Since Arriving...) At least the kids have been sleeping late in the mornings, and falling into bed at night. And I did get that break from routine I'd been craving earlier in the month.
So it's all good. Perhaps sometimes that's the point of vacation more than the relaxation. It's the break from the everyday. Giving us something new and different to do, see, and experience. A chance to do new things together, as a family, where the teenagers don't automatically strike a bored pose and give you that 13-year-old "been there, done that" attitude. I mean, he got in there and enjoyed picking blueberries more than the little one did, something that wouldn't happen at home where his friends might see him. Real smiles are a great thing to see.
Mission: Vacation was successful after all. Now back to reality.
I'm so glad you had fun, despite all the work invlovled in trying to relax! Maybe next year you could weave some hammock naps into your schedule? I know I would :-)